Who we are
The Purpose of the Deeds and Commercial Registries are to efficiently and expeditiously administer the laws enacted by Parliament affecting land, whether by way of Transport, Leases, Mortgages or any other alienation thereof; as well as those laws relating to Trademarks, Patents and Designs, Geographical Indications, Copyrights, Trade Unions, Companies, Partnership, Business names, Powers of Attorney, Bills of Sale contracts and other deeds.
The Deeds Registry
The Deeds Registry comprises two broad sections, Conveyancing and Notarial. The Deeds Registry is guided by the Deeds Registry At Chapter 5:01 in relation to the Law. The Purpose of the Deeds Registry is to efficiently and expeditiously administer the laws enacted by Parliament affecting land, whether by way of transport, leases, mortgages or any other alienation thereof, powers of attorney, contracts and other deeds.
The Commercial Registry
The Commercial Registry is mandated to provide accessible and responsive service and to ensure an adequate system for the administration of the laws enacted by Parliament relating to Companies, Business Names, Partnerships, Bills of Sale, Trade Unions, Trademarks, Patents and Design, Geographical Indicator and Copyright.
Our Locations
The Deeds and Commercial Registry is located in all three (3) counties of Guyana. Its main division is based in Georgetown, in two separate buildings, while having sub-registries in both the Essequibo and Berbice Supreme Courts Compound respectively. The Deeds and Commercial Registries have commissioned new locations in Mabaruma, Port Kaituma and Lethem.
Deeds Registry
Georgetown LocationSupreme Court Building
Avenue of the Republic and Charlotte Street Lacytown
Commercial Registry
Georgetown LocationLot 1 High and Commerce Streets
Berbice Sub-Registry
New Amsterdam Berbice
Essequibo Sub-Registry
Mabaruma Sub-Registry
Regional Administrative Building
Port Kaituma Sub-Registry
Regional Administrative Building
Port Kaituma, Region 1