Registering a Trademark
Step 1 - Draft your Trademark Application
Visit your local Trademark Agent
Step 2
Submit Application for Trademark
Step 3
Pay Prescribed Fees
Step 4
Uplift Trademark Certificate
What is a Trademark?
A Trademark is a mark used or proposed to be used in relation to goods for the purpose of indicating or so as to indicate a connection in the course of trade between the goods and some person having the right either as proprietor or as registered user to use that mark pursuant to Cap 90:01 of the Laws of Guyana. Trademarks are protected by intellectual property rights. A trademark may consist of words, designs, letters, slogans, devices, symbols etc.
What documents are needed?
- Applications for Registration of a Trademark. (appendix)
- Representation of the Trademark/Logo.
- Authorisation by Trademark Owner to the Trademark Agent.
A certificate of registration is the final step for a Trademark, which takes approximately 3 months after all requirements have been satisfied.
- New Application Fee – $100 GY
- Fee for Registration – $200 GY
- Association – $200 GY
- Renewal – $200 GY
- Restoration – $200 GY
- Merger – $300 GY
- Subsequent Proprietor -$300 GY
- Alteration – $50 GY
- Change of Name/Address – $50 GY
- Lost Certificate – $50 GY
Payment Methods
We only accept Cash and manager’s Cheque as a payment option.