Commercial Registry
Bill of Sale
The Bill of sale is a document recording a transaction between two parties (buyer and seller/borrower and lender).
Register a Business Name
A Business name is a name or style under which any business is carried on, whether in a partnership or otherwise. Any individual above the age of 18 may apply for a business name.
Incorporate a Company
A body that is incorporated or continued under the Companies Act Chapter 89:01. It protects you from personal liability (without the legal protection of the limited liability.
Register an External Company
An External Company is an incorporated or unincorporated body formed under the laws of a country other than Guyana.
Register a Trademark
A Trademark is a mark used in relation to goods for the purpose of trade between the goods and some person having the right either as proprietor or as registered user to use that mark.
Patents and Designs
A Patent is an exclusive right granted by the state for an invention that is new, involves an inventive step and is capable of industrial application.
Register a Trade Union
A “Trade Union” or “Union” means an association registered as a Trade Union under Section 15 of the Trade Unions Act.
Register a Geographical Indicator
A geographical indication means an indication which identifies goods as originating in the territory of a country.
Deeds Registry
Power of Attorney Services
General Power of Attorney. Limited Power of Attorney. Special Power of Attorney. Irrevocable Limited Power Attorney.
Transport. Transport by Sale. Transport by Execution Sale. Transport by Gift. Transport by Vesting. Transport by Prescriptive rights. Replace a lost Transport.
General Lease. Lease by Sale. Lease by Gift. Lease by Vesting. Short-term Lease.
Miscellaneous Deed. Deed of Gift. Deed Poll.
Register a Mortgage. Register a Cancellation of Mortgage.
Notice of Opposition
File an Opposition. File a Withdrawal of an Opposition.
Agreement of Sale. Deposit a Plan. File a Withdrawal of a Conveyance. File a Levy. Refund of conveyance fee.